Sunday, December 04, 2011

Christmas & Holiday Shopping North in South Simcoe County via Highway 400

Picture windows at night always a Christmas treat
Holiday shopping close to home is akin to the 100 mile diet.  A recent trip to South Simcoe County including Allitston and Cookstown, offered up an opportunity for some early Christmas shopping with some made in Canada items.  Surprising locations and boutique stores drew our attention and interest even though the notion of shopping was not a primary purpose of the visit.

Kudos to:  In Alliston,  Details on Victoria Street as well as Brenda Roy Jewellery and in Cookstown  Cabo Clothing & Accessories on Queen Street.

Location and Accommodation

Both Victoria Street and Queen street are part of Highway 89 quickly found off of Highway 400 heading west. We recommend a shop and stay holiday in this area with overnight accommodation at Nottawasaga Inn Resort, or the Red Pine Inn in Alliston.

Purchases:  Unfortunately some but not all  purchases were "made in Canada".