Saturday, May 28, 2011

Georgian Bay Just Add Water Festival Itinerary for Sunday May 29

 Enjoy Honey Harbour, Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Sunday May 29, 2011

Time Event Description
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pancake Breakfast
Delawana Inn and Conference Centre
Enjoy a warm pancake Breakfast $2 per person

8:30 AM- 11:00 AM Boat Rides to Georgian Bay Islands National Park from the Delawana Inn and Conference Centre Head out to the park to enjoy a hike, hunt for Geocaches and spend time with family and friends

10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Marketplace – Honey Harbour While others depart from the National Park Base in Honey Harbour, spend time on land with other Geocachers, Georgian Bay Land Trust, Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve, Artisans, Vendors, Educational Stations, Honey Harbour will be bursting with excitement colour and incredible showcases

1:00 PM Dickie Bird Children's Performance
Delawana Inn and Conference Centre

All Day Geocaching, Honey Harbour and Georgian Bay Islands National Park Geocaching Event

All Day Photo Op Parks Canada's NEW Beaver Mascot